Just Doing Life with God

Just Doing Life with God is a reminder God is important to us and that we are important to God.

The Just Doing Life series of t-shirts, including "Just Doing Life with God," "I Do Trust God," and "I Trust God," are more than just clothing items. They are a symbol of faith, unity, and hope, representing the celebration of diversity and the power of divine inspiration.These t-shirts have been worn by faith-based organizations and individuals across the country, standing firm in their faith and community. They are a reminder of the importance of a personal spiritual journey and the celebration of overcoming challenges, determination, and giving respect and love on a community level.The Just Doing Life brand is a beacon of light, spreading messages of compassion, inclusivity, and positive change. It aims to create enduring connections and foster a world where every interaction leads to a brighter, more hopeful future.

Fundraising Opportunites

If you're here, it's no coincidence. You may have received an email, text message, or letter in the mail inviting you to explore the fundraising opportunities we offer.We believe that standing firm in your faith is important, and we're excited to partner with you to make a difference in your community.To get started, please fill out the form below, and we'll be in touch to discuss the fundraising opportunities available to you. We look forward to connecting with you and supporting your spiritual journey.

Connect with us!

Just Doing Life is more than a brand;
it's a beacon of hope, celebrating diversity
and uniting people in a tapestry of strength.
[email protected] / 847-219-3589 (sms)
Main website: www.justdoinglife.com